Steve Jones
Steve's role with FCA is to envision and equip its staff and volunteers for effective ministry with athletes and coaches who have disabilities, either physical, intellectual or both. We use the term ‘all ability athletes and coaches’, believing as a Christian ministry that in God we are all able, with differing gifts and abilities, sporting and otherwise.
From Steve:
I myself coach the Paralympic sport of Goalball (a sport for blind and visually impaired individuals). Whilst I am not blind myself, I am extremely short sighted, and I wear glasses with very strong lenses in them. In a very real sense, my glasses are my ‘wheelchair’, my mobility aid to help me get around. It thrills me to see visually impaired individuals enjoying an accessible sport, getting fitter and improving their sporting performances. I wish I had discovered the sport of goalball much sooner and then I may have been able to play it rather than just coach it. I first discovered this amazing sport when I was volunteering as a sports chaplain at the London 2012 Paralympic Games. My other great joy is to see all ability athletes and coaches discovering faith in the God of the Bible, growing in their walk with God and serving Him in the world. I have had the privilege of meeting very many differently abled Christian athletes from all over the world. Arguably, two areas where individuals with disabilities are underserved are in the world of sport and in the Church. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes works towards addressing these shortcomings and God has called me to be part of this great work in Wales and in the wider world.